Monday, September 27, 2010

Protect Wild Animals From Cats & Dogs

Help Protect Wild Animals. Try these valuable tips...

• Attach an innovative bell to its quick-release collar. It may have a 50% improvement or none at all.

• A collar that emits an electronic beep. It can sound like a bird’s alarm call. In a study, cats killed 38% fewer mammals and 51% fewer birds.

• Songbirds Being Killed? Take down your bird feeders. Discourage other people’s cats from coming into your yard and killing birds with motion-activated sprinkler sprinklers.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Zero Sales Tax & Zero State Tax

People who live in Washington state pay zero state income tax. When they shop in Oregon, they don't pay sales tax. Makes sense to live in Washington state, near the Oregon border. Naturally one is required to pay Washington sales tax when transporting goods from Oregon to Washington. Interesting.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Save Water

Did you cut down the watering time for your water sprinkler as we head into autumn?